All Aotearoa/New Zealand remains at Alert Level 4 Lockdown until 11:59pm on Friday August 27.
Office Closure
As a result of the Alert Level 4 announcement, the Lake Taupō Forest Trust office will be closed to all staff, visitors, and owners until further notice. However, all services will continue through non-contact administration.
Emailing is our preferred method of contact, If you do not have email, you can still phone our office number 07 386 8839 and leave a message. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
Forest Closure
In line with the Government’s directives on COVID-19 Alert Level 4, Lake Taupō and Lake Rotoaira Forests will be closed from all work and owner access until further notice.
The Government has indicated the current situation will continue until further notice, and we therefore assume the same will apply to our forest closure. We will re-open the forest as soon as we receive information that we can do so.
We will continue to keep owners updated as developments unfold so, please continue to check our website and Facebook page for updated information over the coming days.
Learn more about what you need to stay safe by clicking on the following link Alert System Overview
Kia haumaru te noho whānau. Piki te ora me te rangimārie ki a tātou.