Owing to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 cases in Taupō and the possibility of a local COVID-19 event, the Lake Taupō Forest Trust office will be closed to all staff, owners, and visitors from Monday, 15 November to Friday 19 November 2021.
All services will continue through non-contact administration. Our contact details are:
Email: general@ltft.co.nz
Phone: 07 386 8839
Website: www.ltft.co.nz
Owner access to Lake Taupō and Lake Rotoaira Forests will remain as normal; Summer access hours – 4pm to 11pm on weekdays; and from 5am to 11pm on weekends.
At present permits and fob-keys are ONLY available from NZFM, 165 Atirau Road, Tūrangi. Permits and fob-keys are NOT available from Lake Taupō Forest Trust office or the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board office in Taupō until further notice.
We will continue to keep owners updated as developments unfold so, please continue to check our website www.ltft.co.nz and Facebook page for updated information over the coming days.
Kia haumaru te noho whānau.