Some of you may have seen or heard that planters were working in the Te Rangiita part of Lake Taupō Forest despite us being at Level 4 lockdown. This is the middle of our planting season, and we received a large shipment of seedlings just as the country went into Level 4 lockdown. Like numerous other forest owners around the country, we received an official dispensation from the Ministry of Primary Industries to be allowed to plant any stock we had on hand even during level 4. If this was not allowed, those plants would be dead by the time the lock-down lifts, representing a significant financial and time loss to our business. This dispensation required that all staff and workers involved followed all necessary COVID protocols, including self-distancing, and these requirements were met. We advised the local authorities so they were aware that the work was authorised and legitimate.

We are very pleased that our managers NZFM and our planting contractors were all keen to be involved in this mahi, and that they managed to complete the work by Wednesday 25th August.